We co-ope­ra­te with schools and orga­niza­tions and offer pro­ducts to sell for fundraisings.

- All pro­ducts are made in Fin­land.

- The sel­ler earns a fair mar­gin for each pro­duct sold (2,8-4,5€ / product).

- We offer a home deli­ve­ry for the pro­ducts in the area of Eas­tern Finland.

Ask for more details about the pro­ducts, prices and brochures




Bio­di­ver­si­ty is a requi­re­ment of life and the­re­fo­re the­re’s a fine rea­son to pre­ser­ve it. The mul­ti-flower honey is gat­he­red from many dif­fe­rent flowers like wild rasp­ber­ry, wil­low­herb, clo­ver and dan­de­lion. The bees have done impor­tant work for pre­ser­ving the biodiversity. 




Con­tent: Tra­di­tio­nal tar sham­poo 250ml and tra­di­tio­nal tar shower soap 250ml.

Tar was one of the most impor­tant Fin­land’s export pro­ducts in the 19th cen­tu­ry. It was used in tar­ring of woo­den boats and ships, for example. Nowa­days the scent of tar is still fami­liar and liked to many, brin­ging sum­mer and sau­na to one’s mind.


The award-win­ning (Euro­pean Region of Gastro­no­my) Kuo­pio honey is arti­san honey pac­ked in a sty­lish glass jar. Well sui­ted as a gift pro­duct, for example.


A pack of Virtala farm's soft multi-flower honey.
A sticker of traditional tar shower soap.
A sticker of traditional tar shampoo.
A sticker of Kuopio honey.

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